Yet another week with NO progress. There has been no changes in 6 weeks!!! 8 Weeks ago I was told by my obstetrician that it was highly likely that I would give birth in the next 10 days. Well he was WRONG and then 7 days ago I was told that I was likely to give birth in 48 hours and guess what WRONG again. I had my weekly Dr’s appointment on Wednesday and she was very pleased with my lack of progress...so would I have been four weeks ago. However, I am now 36 weeks, they believe baby weighs over 6 lbs and because of the steroid shots he got at 28 weeks they say his lungs are fully developed, I am therefore disappointed in there not being any progression.
But the good news is that I have low blood pressure. So starting next week my Dr. is willing to do what she “ethically” can to bring labour on. So next Wednesday she says she will strip my membranes… don’t understand what that really means but she will also stretch my cervix… I think that is pretty self explanatory! According to my Dr. she can not guarantee this will start things off, but believes there is a good chance. If that doesn’t work then she will have to consult with my Obstetrician in efforts to induce me.
I can honestly say that I never thought I would reach the stage of end of pregnancy discomfort… as I thought baby would be here before I reached that point. I really shouldn’t complain as things aren’t going all that bad, but I will anyway… my hips hurt, my skin feels as though it can’t stretch anymore, my ribs feel as though they are in my throat, sleep is near impossible, and my ankles ache!
Other than all that, I don’t think there is any other updates. We have almost finished the nursery, just have to get a few finishing touches, I will post some pics as soon as it is all complete!
I am so very happy that your little guy is staying warm and cozy until the right time to arrive in this world. He knows the time and will certainly let mum know when. From the given date you still have a few weeks left to go and I think you and Bean are doing fabulous. We all feel the same at the end of the run with the baby trying to move around in such a tight space, but hang in there my love, it will be worth it all and you will quickly forget the pains.
Love you. xoxo
hey where did your pics go? They were sooo cute, I love you perfect belly! You have one of those pregnant bellies that almost looks fake it is so perfect!!
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