Jacob Marc Douglas
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
So I take it all back... Just got a call from the hospital and the case room is full, therefore they have asked for us to come in tomorrow morning at 8:00!! BUT... after today’s stretching and stripping my contractions have intensified and are radiating into my back. My Dr. thinks I might be going into labour on my own... which is supposedly a lot better than being induced!! So I will either go into tonight or tomorrow at 8:00 either one I am fine with. But my dr. did mention that if i do go into labour tonight, there is a chance that they may try to redirect me to another hospital, my gp and ob both said they will fight for that not to happen, but in grand scheme of things they may not be able to make it happen. So if you could all please pray that I will be able to deliver at my hospital with my own dr's it would be great!! We will keep you posted!

We had a dr's appointment today, she checked me and still NO progress. But the upside is she has decided to induce me in 45 min. I have to be back at the hospital by 4:30. So marc and i have run home to gather our belongings and I want to take a quick shower!! So baby Douglas should be here sometime tonight or tomorrow. Please keep us in your prayers!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006

Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down!!
Last week on my sister-in-laws Blog she posted the top ten things not to say to a pregnant woman. They were great and ohhh so true. However, one was not mentioned...
The other day, I walked passed my dad and he said I reminded him of someone...after much contemplation and thought his comparison was that I looked like a Weeble!! The toy for toddlers that never fall down because the yare too fat!!!
So I would like to add to the top ten list. DO NOT TELL YOUR DAUGHTER SHE LOOKS LIKE A WEEBLE!!!
Friday, November 03, 2006

Yet another week with NO progress. There has been no changes in 6 weeks!!! 8 Weeks ago I was told by my obstetrician that it was highly likely that I would give birth in the next 10 days. Well he was WRONG and then 7 days ago I was told that I was likely to give birth in 48 hours and guess what WRONG again. I had my weekly Dr’s appointment on Wednesday and she was very pleased with my lack of progress...so would I have been four weeks ago. However, I am now 36 weeks, they believe baby weighs over 6 lbs and because of the steroid shots he got at 28 weeks they say his lungs are fully developed, I am therefore disappointed in there not being any progression.
But the good news is that I have low blood pressure. So starting next week my Dr. is willing to do what she “ethically” can to bring labour on. So next Wednesday she says she will strip my membranes… don’t understand what that really means but she will also stretch my cervix… I think that is pretty self explanatory! According to my Dr. she can not guarantee this will start things off, but believes there is a good chance. If that doesn’t work then she will have to consult with my Obstetrician in efforts to induce me.
I can honestly say that I never thought I would reach the stage of end of pregnancy discomfort… as I thought baby would be here before I reached that point. I really shouldn’t complain as things aren’t going all that bad, but I will anyway… my hips hurt, my skin feels as though it can’t stretch anymore, my ribs feel as though they are in my throat, sleep is near impossible, and my ankles ache!
Other than all that, I don’t think there is any other updates. We have almost finished the nursery, just have to get a few finishing touches, I will post some pics as soon as it is all complete!
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