Well who knew sleep was so important… the first week I didn’t miss it all that much but now that I am well into my second I am starting to feel the effects insomnia can have on someone. For the past two weeks my sleep pattern has become WACKED! Bedtime is normally 4-6am and the morning begins around 10:30am. This meaning I am eating breakfast at lunch, lunch at dinner and dinner at my normal bed time. Needless to say my lack of patience and irritability has increased…oh yeah I am also a tad bit emotional. My middle of the night routine includes watching TV, playing on the computer and listening to Odysseys… Wait a minute this is my daily routine too!!! So in conclusion to this post BED REST SUCKS!!!
Oh,it will be worth the wait. You will see. Isn't it great the he is waiting for just the right moment.
Carol R.
poor you!! This does suck doesn't it, we haven't been able to go shopping together in MONTHS!!! I am in withdrawal, you must be going loco!
Hey Natalie ... if you're lonely in the middle of the night, call Jelisse.. she's usually doing the same thing as you anyway. Oops! Not the baby part of course! hee! hee! That's your job. That little guy is going to be a night hawk when he comes to our world, so guess he is getting you well trained.
Take good care xoxo
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