My Super Hero
Some may know that Marc and I have set up camp at my parents house in Coquitlam until baby comes 1) it is closer to the hospital and 2) my mom and dad are available to help look after me allowing Marc to get some work done!! During that past few months my mom has been my personal Superwoman. She prepares all meals, makes sure I have enough maternity clothes, is available to take me to any appointments, does the washing and house cleaning and to top it off cancelled her and my dad's trip to Hawaii to support Marc and I over the next few weeks. She really has been amazing and I want to thank her so very much for all her dedication as well her emotional and practical support.
As I mentioned Mom and Dad where supposed to leave at noon today to leave to Maui for 14 days!! I feel guilty that they aren't going, but am also glad they cancelled as I don't know what we would have done without them. So a BIG thank you to mom and dad. Marc and I love you so very much and are so appreciative for all that you do!
I think your ma is pretty super! What a great role model for you !!!!
Hi Marc and Natalie
Haven't seen you for awhile, but I think you have a good excuse :) I hope things go smoothly for you until the exciting day. You are in our prayers. God Bless you and bean!
I couldn't agree more, she is an angel. Not only does she take wonderful care of you she is first to step up to the plate and always thinks of those little extras, things you don't even think of yourself.
I'm so grateful to her and for her love. xx
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