Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So all in all today has been a good day! Here is to another week!!!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

EXCITING NEWS!!! Today is shower day!! Believe it or not a shower has become a significant event. I am only supposed to have a shower every other day, so yes I smell and yes most days I don’t get out of my pajamas. But what makes it even more exciting is it a hair washing day!!! Anyway, enough about personal hygiene.
I want to send a big thank you out to Carissa and Joleen! I really do have some AMAZING friends. On Sunday, Steve, Joleen, Matt, Carissa and Mike came over to visit. They brought with them 7 gifts attached to an envelope with each day of the week written on them with the instruction to open a gift and envelope each day. It is like Christmas every morning. They told me to open it sometime during the day when I am bored… but I open them in the morning, as it is sooo exciting!!! So far I have opened cookies, sours, candles and slippers; as well in each envelope is a Bible verse and a pic of our friends!! I have attached the versus and the pics to a cork board and they inspire me numerous times throughout the day!!! So thank you ladies, you really have made a difference.
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Some may know that Marc and I have set up camp at my parents house in Coquitlam until baby comes 1) it is closer to the hospital and 2) my mom and dad are available to help look after me allowing Marc to get some work done!! During that past few months my mom has been my personal Superwoman. She prepares all meals, makes sure I have enough maternity clothes, is available to take me to any appointments, does the washing and house cleaning and to top it off cancelled her and my dad's trip to Hawaii to support Marc and I over the next few weeks. She really has been amazing and I want to thank her so very much for all her dedication as well her emotional and practical support.
As I mentioned Mom and Dad where supposed to leave at noon today to leave to Maui for 14 days!! I feel guilty that they aren't going, but am also glad they cancelled as I don't know what we would have done without them. So a BIG thank you to mom and dad. Marc and I love you so very much and are so appreciative for all that you do!

As most of you know, Baby Bean is a BOY!! At first Marc was adamant that he did not want to know the gender of the baby before the delivery, but with much effort on my part he caved and finally agreed!He at first said he would agree only if we were to keep it a secret from everyone else, however after numerous cash bribes (no joke) and tears from, mothers and aunts he once again gave in and we announced the gender. Reactions ranged from tears of joy, complete surprise to disappointment. Lets just say many were convinced this little one was going to be a girl, others were willing it to be a girl!
Anway onto the game. Once gender was discovered Marc and I both agreed that we were going to keep the name a secret until he was born. However, we have run into a little problem; baby's arrival day is any day now and we still don't have a name!!! So we are asking for your help... if you wouldn't mind providing 5 suggestions in the comments area it would be greatly appreciated......and if we choose the name you suggested then you will WIN.................................................. BRAGGING RIGHTS!!! No we really will have a prize, which is yet to be determined!! Please feel free to include the whole family, each family member has 5 ballots!! We look forward to hearing your suggestions!!
Thanks for your help!

Well another day down… All in all I can’t really complain it was a rather uneventful day! The contractions were bearable and the nausea limited to before noon!!! I had some visitors today …Tawny, Ryan, the kids and my in-laws. It was great to see them all, it made time go by faster! Even though I don’t interact with the kids all that much I love watching them play. They were all so well behaved and didn’t complain once about being bored. Caleb brought me a picture he drew of me and baby “nick” in my tummy. In case you don’t know who baby nick is I will quickly explain… A few months back Tawny was driving in the car with the kids when she asked them what Auntie and Uncle should name their new baby… with much contemplation Josh suggested Nick, “Nicky” for short…and that leaves us to where we are now. The Douglas boys refer to our boy as Nick. I really don’t have the heart to tell them that Nick probably won’t be his name. Maybe we can use it as an honorary second middle name. Anyway I won’t ramble anymore. Here’s hoping for a similar day tomorrow as today!!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Well considering I don't have much to do other than watch TV, read and surf the net, I thought I would take the time to create a blog, so I can provide any updates on our growing family.Most of you probably know that the last few months have been quite the journey and not one that I am ready to re-embark on anytime soon... meaning my original idea of wanting my children close in age , has changed...hey my brother and I were 5 yrs apart and we turned our alright!
Anyway to make a long story short, Marc and I found out in March that we were expecting our first child. The pregnancy started off great... I was convinced I would be SUPER PREGNANT WOMEN... would continue all regular activity, maybe try a little exercise (ya right), would have no problem maintaining my full time job and throw the odd dinner party on the side. Well week 6 approached and Super Pregnant Woman lost some of her powers. I was diagnosed with a large ovarian cyst and the vomiting began...for a few weeks I was a passenger on the porcelain bus!
But with all that behind me work continued as normal and Super Pregnant Women retuned. However, not too soon after she was defeated by the uncontrollable beast "Irate Uterus". This beast would not back down and continued to fight until Super Pregnant Women was no more! At 20 weeks I was diagnosed with an irritable Uterus... believe it or not it is an actual clinical diagnosis. The way I describe it, my uterus is allergic to pregnancy. Since 20 weeks I have been having regular contractions every 7-12 minutes. Needles to say I am getting quite the ab workout.
As of today I am 29 weeks and 1 Day, I am on strict bed rest being allowed to get up to go to the bathroom and have a shower! I had a dr's appointment yesterday and they say the baby is doing very well and is measuring ahead by one week. Last Thursday I had an ultra sound and they are guessing he weighs approx. 3lbs 3oz. During yesterdays appointment we were also told that they are expecting baby to arrive in the next 2-3 weeks!!! So with that news comes some fear and excitement. Fearful as it is about 7 weeks too early and our boy needs a bit more time to develope, fear that I will soon have to face LABOUR, but excited that we will soon meet our little Boy!
So with all that being said. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts. If you wouldn't mind continuing with the prayers it would be greatly appreciated. Right now we are praying that this little guy will get comfy and stay put at least until 32 weeks as well I am praying that it will be obvious when I am going into labour...I really want to try to cut back on the amount of trips to labour and delivery.Thanks again for everything... and stay tuned for more updates and pics!!