Some of you may know we hit the 33 week mark today and we had our weekly Dr’s appointment. All went well and my doc does not believe there has been any progression from last week!! She is very pleased but has once again changed “our goal”.
As mentioned before our first goal was 28 weeks then 31 then 33… well today she announced that our next goal is 35 weeks, as she said the likelihood of him needing NICU time after that is slim and he would probably be able to come home with us!! I am more than willing to continue to park my butt in this bed for more two weeks if it will make our little one stronger and heavier. The Dr. thinks this little guy is fairly long but scrawny…poor guy what hope did he have between Marc and I. She (Dr.) believes he is around the 4lbs mark…I personally thought he would have been closer to 4.5 – 5lbs, but I guess only God knows.
So over the past four weeks I have learned first hand the importance of goals and the affect they have on ones coping skills. When working with my patients at work, goals are one of the first things we discuss. But I always emphasis the importance of short term goals and the importance of flexibility. As working on trauma units, change and progress take place regularly. I therefore encourage daily goals with the understanding that goals can change daily, weekly and hourly. I believe goals and hopes are situation specific, therefore as the situation changes our goals do as well. Therefore today my goal is 35 weeks, ask me tomorrow and there is a possibility this could have changed!
um that is a HORRIBLE picture! But happy 33wks! You must feel very proud you have made it this far, now here is to two more weeks! love T
Hi Natalie: Good for you - 33 weeks. Every day is such a blessing at this point! Get Marc to bring you lots of donuts and other fattening things. All the calories will go to Baby Bean and will fatten him up.
A couple of times a day George says
"No baby yet??" He is praying for you. And so is Jenna. She told me yesterday that they have been praying for you at her school and she was so happy to tell her teacher that you were almost 33 weeks!
Hang in there, kiddo. Not long to go now!!
It must almost make you gag when we say how glad we are that Bean is still one with you but it truly is a miracle!
My prayer all through this long trial has been that God would give you peace and a release from fear. In the past few weeks it has seemed that He has answered that prayer to a great degree. Now we need to pray for sleep!
Bless you, my dear, this night with a deep restful sleep and a hope in your heart for the day that is coming when that baby boy will be in your arms. What a day of rejoicing that will be!!!!
I love you so much. Mom Dee
Well done thou good and faithful servant! That is fantastic! I am so very happy for you all and that God is taking care of you as He promised He always would. Now we pray that God will fatten this little guy up to a plump ... hmm .... how about 6lbs 14 oz at full term? He will be absolutely beautiful to behold and will deserve a full and rich life with you.
Take good care love, we hope we can visit very soon. Will call you again.
God bless from us all in corn country! Love you lots xoxoxo
What? no baby today? This was the day my money was on- Friday the 13th.
Ah well, my second choice is Oct 25th. Sound good?
Love ya Nat!!
Carissa K
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