Thursday, February 22, 2007

Do you remember Mr. Dressup's friend Casey?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CEO of the Douglas Household!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

Today Mummy and I went to our play group and then came home and baked Daddy cookies. Some other exciting news... I have started napping in the afternoons for TWO hours. Mummy is loving it!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Look at me!! Look at me!!

That's right I am sleeping in my crib!! That is right I am in my own bedroom with nobody else!! Yup, it is definitley a first. I had two naps in there today both were for an hour! Mummy is so proud of me. For some reason she loves it when I sleep, I don't understand why she doesn't want me to be awake all the I not a fun person to hang out with? Well, we are now winding down getting ready for bed, but I miss mum and dad so much in the night that I make sure we have some quality time together at least every two hours.

Friday, February 09, 2007

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Well I am almost 3 months old!! Things are going well... I am having so much fun meeting new friends and family. Mummy and I go to a Mom's group once a week at Auntie Tawny's, so I get to play with 9 new friends and eavesdrop on mum's conversations.

So two big things have happened over the past few weeks. First of all I found my feet and hands, who thought they could be so much fun! and second I am getting my first tooth, watch out solids here comes Jacob. Mummy was wondering why I have been a bit fussy and was drooling all over. She finally decided to put her finger in my mouth and to her surprise she felt something sharp! Mum says I am an early bloomer!

I am awake playing a lot more now. I love my new Jolly Jumper that Nana and Papa bought me, I love my change table...I could play there all day, but my favorite activity is watching TV!!! Mummy and Daddy are very pleased and say they will soon teach me how to use the DVD player, so I can watch Saturday morning cartoons with no assistance.

Well, my toy box is calling... till next time!!